When planning weddings, I always have a budget to consider. Whether that budget be $15,000, $25,000, or $50,000, I have yet to meet a couple that doesn’t have some sort of pre-determined idea of their personal spending limit. Determining the amount you have to spend may be the easy part, but sticking to that magic number often poses a challenge once you become inundated with couture gowns, custom stationery, and every must-have wedding trinket under the sun. It’s easy to get carried away, and the longer you wait to set a budget, the more you will get pulled off track. So, first things first, sit down and determine how much you can spend. If parents will be contributing, ask them up front, and find out how much you can expect. You shouldn’t assume on a contribution unless you’ve already discussed it {trust me, you’ll be glad you did!}.
I found a great article called “Your Wedding Budget: 41 Ways to Save,” which offers great ways to trim your budget, and keep things on track.
Here are a few tips::
Time Is Money
The most important money-saving issue is time. And the less time you have, the more likely you are to make rash decisions and thus compromise your finances. Give yourselves enough time to shop around for the best vendor prices.
Forgo the personalized accents; napkins and matchbooks alone can cost several hundred dollars.
Keep it Simple
Consultants Cut Costs
Hire a wedding consultant. You will undoubtedly recoup his or her fee with the sound advice he or she can provide about getting more or better service for your money.
Limo Limit
Don’t get caught up in the idea that you need a wedding cavalcade to transport everyone to the reception. Limit the number of limos you use, or ask a friend with a vintage car to drive the two of you and book a mini bus or van to transport both the wedding party and your parents.
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