
Tomorrow I’ll be busy mingling with family, enjoying delicious food, and even exchanging some early Christmas presents, so today I wanted to take the opportunity to share a few things I’m thankful for. After all, the food is great and Christmas presents are nice, but I think being thankful for everything we have is really “the reason for the season,” as cheesy as it may sound!

I’m thankful for my wonderful and supportive husband and family, for the opportunity I have to pursue my dream and build a business that I love. I’m thankful for all of the amazing couples I’ve had the chance to work with in the past, and for the amazing couples I get to assist in 2009. I’m thankful for the wonderful growth Stella Event Design has been blessed with in the last year and a half, and for all of the great things I know we have in our future. What are you grateful for?

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! We will be out of the office Thanksgiving day through Sunday, and will return any emails and phone calls promptly on Monday!