
As you can probably tell by the less than lengthy posting lately, 2009 is shaping up to be a very busy year for Stella Event Design and I’m excited to share some of the changes around here!

Big Change #1: After 2 years of balancing a full-time job in corporate America and my business, in 2009 I’m running Stella Event Design full-time, and focusing on building this business and giving our wonderful couples an amazing level of service. This is pretty much a dream come true, and definitely an exciting time at Stella Event Design!

Change #2: We’re getting a makeover! The logo is a sneak peak, and you’ll see our new look start to make its way throughout our website and blog! I’m also excited to spice up the blog soon with new features, more vendor spotlights, giveaways and more! I also look forward to sharing more about what I do here and what’s going on with the business, because I know there are a lot of gals (and guys) out there who are curious about working in this industry! So stay tuned, I promise it won’t be this sparse around here for long!

So, if I’ve gone from 1 job to 2, then why the craziness around here? I’m glad you asked! Besides working on all of our upcoming 2009 weddings, at the end of this month we’re participating in our first bridal show!  And, being our first show, it means a whole lot of work designing our booth from scratch! Of course, being the perfectionist that I am, I’m working like a crazy person to get the booth just right for our debut! So stay tuned and I’ll be sharing more details soon!

*Thanks to Tara at La Stellina Studios in Grand Rapids for our new logo design—we love it! You can contact Tara at lastellinastudio@gmail.com. Check out our previous post about La Stellina’s invitation designs here!