

Offering signature cocktails at your wedding is a great way to infuse your personality into your wedding reception! There are a few approaches you can take to this when selecting your drinks.

His & Hers::Choose a bride’s drink and groom’s drink to offer guests! Choose your favorites, present them beautifully (a cute garnish never hurts) and re-name them, if you’d like, to be more wedding-esque!

Wedding Colors::Offer drinks that coordinate with your wedding colors. For a green and yellow wedding, offer up a lynchburg lemonade and mojitos, garnished with mint! For pink and brown, serve guests Chocolate maritinis and a champagne spritzer. Display them in a cute and fun way, and you’re all set for a fun cocktail hour!

Non-Alcoholic::If you’re not serving alcohol, you can still have fun with your beverages! In the summer an iced tea & lemonade bar or punch bar are lots of fun for guests, and in the fall you could offer cider, complete with mixes people can stir in to make their own spicey blend! Garnish with lemons, limes & apple slices, and you’ve got a good-looking and tastey drink selection!

Check out Part 2 for some of our favorite signature drinks!