
We’ve all seen a response card. We get them, jot our name at the top (hopefully legibly), check “Yes, I will attend” or “Unable to attend,” and pop it in the mail to the couple. BUT, what if there was something about that little card that caught you off guard and made you stop for a second. What if your guests took your response card out of your invitation and could instantly tell that this was sure to be a fun wedding?

If you’re a fun-loving couple, throwing a fun-loving wedding, don’t be shy to let that shine through! Spicing up your response cards can entail something as small as using some fun verbage like the wording used by one of our 2009 couples:

_____Gleefully accepts

_____Regretfully declines

OR step it up another notch with this fun one I found online…


Or if you want to get really creative, you can have your guest fill out a MadLibs inspired response card:


So have fun with it! If your invitations are fun and funky, keep it going with your response cards and give your guests a sneak peek into the fun they’ll have at your wedding celebration!