Think a rose bouquet is an overused cliche? Absolutely not! Classic red or white roses are always a hit, but if you want something that stands out, try spicing up your basic rose bouquet by choosing vibrant colors, mixing varying styles (like beautiful garden roses & spray roses) or partnering it with small accents or details.
When it comes to colors, your choices are virtually endless and you can easily match roses to your wedding color palette. With varying types of roses, you can keep your bouquet monochromatic while still incorporating different sizes, textures and hues.
Keep some leaves attached to the roses to add a touch of nature into your ceremony, or go sleek and modern without them. Don’t be afraid to use roses in your bouquet because you think that they are too common—but instead, think of creative and unique ways to personalize this versatile flower.
More unique and fabulous rose bouquets
Posted by:: Gina (event assistant)