

Living in Chicago and planning a destination wedding in St. Joseph was challenging, but Jessica was a lifesaver during this process! I hired Stella Event Design for day-of coordination, design assistance and vendor referrals. Jessica provided referrals for extremely...


I enjoyed working with Brittany at Stella Event Design very much! She helped us transform a warehouse into a beautiful event space and managed all of the details for us. I wouldn’t have been so relaxed that day without her! Barb+Ron Married 9.25.10 in Kalamazoo...


Working with Jessica was so much fun! Being an out-of-town bride, I was nervous about finding everything we would need to make our wedding day perfect, but Jessica immediately put me at ease. She connected me with all of the people and services we were looking for and...


Jessica and her team were very helpful and professional. I had to worry about NOTHING the day of and she made sure I was on the right track throughout the planning. She was worth every penny and I would use her again and HIGHLY recommend her to other brides....


Jessica and her team were lifesavers. My husband and I live in Chicago and were trying to plan our wedding in Michigan. We quickly realized it was way too difficult, time consuming, and frustrating to try to do everything on our own – so we contacted Jessica....


Jessica and her crew were wonderful and very helpful for our big day. Having them there made us relax and enjoy the day with our guests. They were an amazing help in setting up all of our DIY centerpieces and decorations. The scene was even more complete then I...


I just LOVE Jessica! We hired her for design and Day-of wedding coordination. Jessica is very creative and her design was beautiful! She was very helpful and responsive whenever I had questions along the way. She had lots of handy tips and great ideas to help me with...


Jessica was very professional, and very responsive, she had great advice on the flowers and other arrangements as well as where we could buy items such as candles and everything else. We contracted for day-of services, which included a lot more than day-of services!...


We worked with Stella Event Design for decor planning and day of services and they helped make our day everything we hoped for and more! Caitlin+Nathan Married 7.2.10 in St. Joseph From Washington,...


Jessica was wonderful every step of the way! Our first meeting she was prepared with suggestions about the reception hall, flowers, and food. She was always easy to reach by email and usually responded within an hour or two from the time my email was sent, sometimes...